Tonight, on Sheena’s Jungle Room on WFMU! and Mid-Valley Mutations! Certainly, the name “zer0-G Mice” is so well known that you hear their music almost everywhere you go, when you’re just trying to run a few errands out in public. But how did they become so mega-popular? Perhaps this radio presentation will give you the full story, so you will finally know, once and for all, how it all went down. Join Austin & univac (the writers and performers), with the help of their ground crew at UB RADIO SALON (Ninah & Das, assembling all the pieces), as we present the full story of the “zer0-G Mice.” As it originally happened! Join us in the chat, as we dispel rumors and myths, tell funny anecdotes, and generally: prepare you to float into space!

#zerog-mice, #univac, #BigCityOrchestra #UBRadioSalon #Sci-FiComedy #ScriptedANDImprov, #SheenasJungleRoom, #MidValleyMutations #PartOneofTwo

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