Today I Learned Everything There Is To Learn

Today I Learned Everything There Is To Learn


It has been a while, yes, I know, but I finally produced a new ‘zine to help quell the summer malaise: “Today I Learned Everything There Is To Learn.” In 2005, I acquired a camera, and while I’ve taken some amateur photos before, I found myself enjoying the sport quite a bit, and soon (read: over the next three years) I’d taken an assortment of pictures I felt were ready for the public.

Included in this mini-‘zine are 24 photos w/ captions that highlight my favorite images from that time span. If you would like a copy, all you have to do is ask: send me an e-mail with your physical address included, and your very own paper-bound replica will arrive on your doorstep, at no cost to you! It’s the perfect way to utilize that ancient mailbox on your porch, and enjoy a new A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. product at the same time! Alternatively, you can also hit me up when you see me around town, as I will most likely have a copy on-hand, and will gladly give you one anyway, even if you haven’t asked for one. (Cash donations / trade / etc. will also be accepted, but are not necessary.)

Order Today! Supplies are limited! “Today I Learned Everything There Is To Learn.” A new photo-‘zine by Austin Rich.